T: 01548 550001 M: 07436 878267 janeholt@btinternet.com

After an emotional two and a half years of trying to conceive naturally we were overjoyed to finally become pregnant. 

Unfortunately at 7 weeks it became apparent that all was not well and I suffered an ectopic loss. 

The months that followed were painful both physically and emotionally but I tried to stay positive. 

It was in this time that Janes expertise were made known to me and I started to visit regularly. 

She talked through the problems I had come across and although at first painful, the treatments left me relaxed and gradually I felt my health was improving. 

Six months after suffering the ectopic I found myself pregnant again. 

Today I have a healthy little boy and have been seeing Jane on and off for years to help me continue feeling healthy and balanced. 

I am now carrying my second son who was conceived with no problem after a very short six sessions with Jane. 

I always look forward to my time with Jane, such a treat to feel totally relaxed and at ease. 

A wonderful healer for whom I am forever grateful. 

Katie and Max